Billie Book

What age groups are usually targeted to receive this educational program?

Billie’s program is appropriate for age groups from pre-school to 3rd grade. For each group, the program is designed to appeal to their interest span. For example, Billie encourages third graders to explore the world of reading, to learn about libraries, to make reading a part of their lives. Preschool/Kindergartner youngsters, on the other hand, are exposed to fascinating stories, interesting information designed to spark their interest in reading and being read to.

Who sponsors the Billie Book Program?

Sponsors include business and civic organizations, libraries, PTA’s and PTO’s, foundations, and other groups. To lock in emerging reading habits, sponsors are encouraged to include a campaign of Billie visits to reinforce interest generated in the initial show. Because reading contests can be useful tools in motivating youngsters to learn effective reading habits, they also can be incorporated into a Billie Book program.
